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08 Mai 2024


18:00 - 19:30

“Breaking Stereotypes: Voices of Contemporary Indian Women” with Khushboo Jain

In this course, we delve deep into the lives of Indian women, their heterogeneous and unique experiences and contexts, and the grassroots feminist struggles. To shape our understanding of identity, difference, and intersectionality in the multifaceted lives of Indian women, our journey will move beyond theory, engaging with popular culture, opinion pieces, films, personal anecdotes and roundtables with firsthand narratives. Please join if you are seeking a deeper understanding of India and its multicultural society, and to discover the intertwining stories that unify us across thousands of miles, transcending time and distance.

Dates: April 17th / April 24th/ May 08th/ May 29th/ June 5th/ June 19th/ June 26th/ July 3rd/ July 17th
> In Kooperation mit der vhs Erlangen, Anmeldung über vhs erforderlich

One-time fee: 20,-€